Maiden Voyage in Homesteading...

Maiden Voyage

Well, Here we are... attempting to build my own homestead, perhaps eventually, even going off grid. But, lets not get ahead of myself too far....

First, i will introduce myself and tell you a bit of my journey, up to now.. and probably a bit about where I hope to go from here.  

My name is Martie. I was raised on an 80 acre farm in Missouri, with horses and cattle. We had a vegetable garden when I was younger and raised all kinds of different vegetables, but mostly in smaller quantities. My mother canned a few things and made some plum jelly a couple of times, but mostly it was just a hobby garden. My grandmothers both put up things like green beans and tomatoes and even some wild greens and spinach, but I was usually not around for the whole process. I did snap beans in preparation for canning, but thats about it. About all i "learned" was it was a lot of work and I didn't want to go thru all that, when I could buy it all at the store. I was a kid, what did I know about flavor, saving money, and homegrown being healthier. 

I got married and had 3 kids of my own, and raised them on store-bought foods. I divorced and landed in Alabama.... It was about then I started wanting to grow some of my own foods. It was just a few select things I started with, mostly a salad garden. (My kids ALL LOVE salads) But nothing I needed to think about preserving. 

Several years later, I put up some salsa and grew some cucumbers and put up some pickles too. 

Then life got in the way, I had back problems my daughter had an ectopic pregnancy and lost it, and then my oldest son had a stroke and became disabled, both within a month of each other. I had some stomach issues and a couple hospitalizations myself just a year and a half ago. 

 Currently my oldest son, and my daughter, her SO and my granddaughter all live with me, and my youngest son, his wife and my other 2 granddaughters live next door on the same property. I love having my kids and grands so close, but flip side, we are all living on top of one another, and my daughter(and SO) is working toward getting their own place, 

So, I began thinking about using more of this almost acre I own, for garden. I have no clue how much to grow, (or how much space that will require) for my oldest son and myself. But I am going to figure it out. and then I will also grow more, to sell and give my kids as well.  

Wish me well, or come along for the ride with me as I write about my ups and downs in this process.  



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