Keep on Keepin' On...

Keep on Keepin' On... 

Well, Great news!!! I GOT MY BUCKETS TODAY!! a total of 21 buckets will be a great start for my planting!! My aim is, for this year at least, to plant in buckets and other containers. That gives me more time to figure out what to plant where and beside what etc... and also figure out where the best sun is, without a building that will cast too much shade or whatnot...

I did have some not so great news as well, from one of my doctors. I recently had a CT scan done on a mass they found last year on my adrenal gland. It has grown a little. I went out and got myself some organic castor oil for oil compresses and also some black seed oil to begin taking ASAP. I haven't even heard what the Drs. recommend next but I am jumping in with both feet with the castor oil packs (topically) daily and the black seed oil twice a day. The black seed oil is easy enough to make at home but takes time to extract so I bought the supplement this time and will begin extracting my own soon also.

Despite all that, I am going gung ho with the gardening. I am so excited to get to work on that... and hopefully the weather will cooperate as well. I have to get the soil and compost and some seeds started asap as well. Deciding what to plant first is my biggest challenge. Impatience has no place, so my "want it all NOW" inner child needs to back off! 😂


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