March 18

 Well, here we are, pushing into spring already. I must say I was not ready and truly still am playing catch up. The events of the past 6-12 months had me out for a while and truly doing nothing toward my homestead nor business. I am still healing but life goes on and I will be working hard towards a bountiful year both at home and online...

I welcome constructive feedback, to help me along my way as well as bring you the information you want to know.  I will be reading i all maybe not super quickly but as quickly as possible. As I am still working my outside job too, it cuts into the time I have here.

I have gotten my microgreens going, and in 4 days they are almost ready to start eating!!! I was shocked and pleased at how quickly they sprouted. I will update more on that in a few days. I also have started some herb seeds at the same time. They will take longer but hopefully not too long. Updates on that soon too.


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